What Happens to Dripped Content on Restarted, Paused or Cancelled Nanacast Memberships?

Nanacast Questions and AnswersCategory: QuestionsWhat Happens to Dripped Content on Restarted, Paused or Cancelled Nanacast Memberships?
Administrator Staff asked 6 years ago

Here are 2 questions based on an imaginary membership that drips perpetual content in Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, etc.
1) Customer calls on Month 1 and says they need to pause billing because they’re broke. I pause it and they return on Month 6 and say they want to resume. If I resume, do they pick up on Month 2? Or do they get all content through Month 6?
2) Same imaginary membership…but customer decides to cancel on Month 3. They come back on Month 6 and buy again. Do they start from the beginning? Or do they start on Month 3? Or do they start from Month 6?